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Cardinal Griffin

A Message from Father Peter

Dear Friends,


I would like to say a word of gratitude and encouragement to all who work in our Catholic schools at this trying time.


Thank you for all the important work you do in school with the students and with colleagues, not only in assisting learning but also in your care, compassion and support of the community.


It feels to me as if we are entering a dark tunnel, and we know we will be there for a long time. But there is always light at the end of this tunnel, and even if we are social distancing, we can know that we are on this journey together.  Our schools and our parish have strong and supportive relationships, and I hope this can continue over the next few months. 


At Church, while there will be no public acts of worship for some time, we are setting up networks and initiatives to keep our community together and to be there for others too. Thankfully, the internet makes so much of this possible. 

Facebook, WhatsApp and our Website are especially useful.


The Church building will be open too - every day of the week except on Mondays. It is there for anyone who wants to make brief visits, for prayer, to light a candle, to engage in reflection or just, (as they say) to chill. You are welcome here whatever your faith or belief. And we will be praying for you, your families, the students, for the sick, for key workers, and for all those who are finding things difficult. 


I am sure that this strange time provides us with many positive opportunities too, in spite of the challenges. We try to share some of these ideas through our networks, too.


There is more information about what we are trying to do on our website and on facebook. The contact details are below. If you wish you can be part of our extended community.  


Be safe. Be positive … and keep washing your hands! 


God bless,  


Fr Peter 


The Parish of St Mary and St Thomas More, Cannock


From 21st March there is no public worship in Church until further notice. Mass will be celebrated only privately.

The Church is open for prayer and reflection

Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 6pm, Sunday 12pm to 6pm.


For more information

Facebook: facebook.com/cannockcatholic

Web: www.cannockcatholic.org

Cannock Catholic Latest is a WhatsApp broadcast list (not a chat group). To join, send a WhatsApp message to 07766335591 using the words “Add me” and your name.

Email: fr.peter.weatherby@rcaob.org.uk