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Cardinal Griffin

Better Together!

We are delighted to announce that as of 1st September we are officially a proud member of The Painsley Catholic Academy, taking the total number of high schools and sixth forms in the MAC to three, along with the existing 13 primary schools.
The move will bring with it countless benefits for our college, including a drive to provide exceptionally high quality and inclusive education – the Painsley MAC delivers high quality education across their schools, including for disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND as demonstrated by Ofsted inspections.
Our staff and students will also benefit from having full access to the Teaching School Hub, Maths Hub, Behaviour Hub and Curriculum Hubs at Painsley.  The MAC has a proven structure and an excellent track record of school-to-school support to drive school improvement to improve standards across the Painsley family of schools (and beyond) along with successful curriculum models and academic focus with a commitment to a knowledge-rich and evidence-based curriculum.  The Painsley MAC has a proven track record of successful leadership from directors and governors.
Principal, Mrs Hermione Gibson (a former Senior Leader at Painsley Catholic College) said, "These really are exciting times for our college, and I am looking forward to embarking on our journey to outstanding success."
Mr Steven Bell, Chief Executive Officer of The Painsley Catholic Academy commented, "Cardinal Griffin will be a real asset to our Academy, helping to provide exceptional Catholic education for all.  Myself and the other Directors of the MAC are looking forward to working closely with school governors, leaders, staff, students and parents and making them feel welcome as new members of our family."
The expansion comes as Blessed William Howard Catholic High School in Stafford, who joined the Painsley MAC in 2018, celebrates its best ever GCSE results and Painsley Catholic College sees yet another set of exam results that place it amongst the top in Staffordshire - proof of The Painsley Catholic Academy motto 'Better Together'.