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Cardinal Griffin

Confirmation of online learning next week

Good morning. We have, this morning, confirmed with Concept Education that heating repair works will proceed on the water leak between Sunday and Tuesday. The forecast, while indicating dropping temperatures, does appear to allow a window before colder conditions in early January.
As a consequence, we CAN CONFIRM that pupils will undertake two days of online learning next week. The details of which can be found in the following letter which was sent to pupils, parents and carers prior to the Christmas break.
The timetable will run as normal, meaning that pupils will have online lessons for each of their usual timetabled lessons on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The times of the lessons, however, have been slightly adjusted (please see below).
Lesson 1- 8.55- 9.55
Lesson 2- 9.55 - 10.55
BREAK- 10.55 - 11.10
Lesson 3- 11.10 - 12.10
Lesson 4- 12.10 - 13.10
Lunch- 13.10 - 13.40
Lesson 5- 13.40 - 14.40
The SCHEDULE for Covid-19 Lateral Flow Tests is also detailed in the letter above.
Our social media feeds WILL NOT be regularly monitored over the coming days; all queries should be directed to office@cardinalgriffin.staffs.sch.uk, with emails being responded to when we return to work on Tuesday 4th January.
Best wishes.