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Cardinal Griffin

Data Collection

For safeguarding reasons, it is imperative that we have full and accurate details for every child in our care at College. In order to ensure this, we recently issued every child with a unique code and web link (given to them during form time) in order for parents to complete a short data collection form.
We will shortly be launching the SIMS Parent App. This is a communication tool between the College and parents and includes information such as: achievement and behaviour points, attendance, reports, and it offers the facility to make changes and updates to contact details.
We appreciate that phone numbers, emergency contacts and other details can change from time to time, so we would ask that you please complete the data collection form now to allow us to thoroughly check our existing data and make any necessary updates. This will make the roll out of the SIMS Parent App smoother for our parents, and future updates can then be made using the app.
If you have any difficulty completing the form, or would like a paper copy posting to you, please contact Gill Cooper at g.cooper@cardinalgriffin.staffs.sch.uk