Equal Engineers Covid-19 Challenge
We are asking entrants to consider what are the problems they and their community are facing in daily life due to coronavirus? The EqualEngineers Covid-19 Challenge presents an opportunity to think about the process of engineering design, and could be used for a STEM lesson activity. We want to hear from as wide and as diverse a community as possible.
We are being exposed to issues around us in a way we are not used to, and EqualEngineers believes think it is time for action. We are looking for creative and out-of-this-world ideas, to help tackle the effects of Covid-19.
The world has been turned upside-down, and innovation has played a critical role in how we are responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. Engineering companies are producing medical equipment who do not usually do so, football clubs are cooking meals for the community, and exhibition halls are now field hospitals put up in record time. We want to know what innovations you have in mind for helping combat Covid-19!
The EqualEngineers Covid-19 Challenge is now open for entries until 31st May 2020: https://bit.ly/EqEngCovid19Challenge.
Prizes available include a £100 Amazon voucher, and a private tour at an engineering facility.
We are looking for creative and out-of-this-world ideas, to help tackle the effects of Covid-19 around you. Be as imaginative as you can. You can be as creative as you want in sharing it too, feel free to make explanatory videos, and make your solution open-source for the world to use.
Entries can be submitted individually, or as part of a team. Check out the explainer video on the competition website (https://bit.ly/EqEngCovid19Challenge).
​We hope to receive some entries from your school!
All the best,
Dr Mark McBride-Wright CEng MIChemE
Founder, EqualEngineers