FAQs - January Return/Remote Learning 2021
Is the school bus still running its normal route?
Should pupils attend in school uniform?
No, pupils should wear non-uniform until further notice, due to the weather and the need to ventilate rooms. We will review the uniform issue each week. Pupils need to keep themselves warm!
Should pupils bring PE kit with them/attend in PE kit?
For the first week, bring in the kit.
Will the normal timetable run (online and in-college)?
Yes. Remote learning will commence on Tuesday 5th January.
Will BTEC exams be running?
Yes. Pupils should attend college when their exams are scheduled.
Where should the Keyworker/Vulnerable pupils go when they arrive at college on Monday 4th January?
All pupils should arrive at their usual time (staggered for different year groups) and go straight to their tutor rooms.
My child wasn't a 'key worker child' in Spring, but I now have a key worker role. Is my child allowed to attend during this period?