January 2021 Return -UPDATED guidance 31st December
As a consequence, only pupils who are the children of key workers, or those who are classed as vulnerable will now return on Monday 4th January. All other year groups will access online learning via Satchel One from Tuesday 5th January.
While the situation is dynamic, at present, we expect Years 11 and 13, plus other pupils who have exams this year to return on Monday 11th January. However, any pupils who are scheduled to take BTEC examinations will need to attend College to take those examinations.
We then expect remaining year groups to return on 18th January.
As per our most recent communications, arrangements for testing will be communicated by the end of the day on Monday 4th January.
It remains the case that if your child has any of the three main symptoms of Covid19, they should not attend the College. The presence of testing in College is not the same as a PCR test, and we will not be able to test symptomatic pupils, they will be sent home.