Keyworker Survey - 18th March 2020
If you are a keyworker, please complete this survey about school closure by 12pm tomorrow (19/3/20).
A keyworker is defined as one of the following:
1. Members of the police force or police service support workers
2. Members of the armed forces (Army, Air force, Navy)
3. Doctors or nurses working within the NHS
4. Doctors or nurses employed by a private healthcare provider
5. Workers in the social care sector (i.e. care home worker)
6. Members of the fire and rescue service
7. Members of the ambulance service
8. Administrators or members of support staff in the NHS, Fire service, Ambulance service or Armed forces
9. Civil contingency planners at a council or similar organisation
10. Key workers for power or water providers who are involved in emergency planning or response
11. Any worker involved in the production of medical ventilators
Many thanks