Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - Monday 6th June 2022
Cardinal Griffin Catholic College would like to celebrate the upcoming Jubilee event with Y7 – Y10 on Monday 6th June 2022.
This will involve:
 Pupils in Y7 – Y10 coming in non-uniform for the whole day and wearing either Red, White or Blue items. This will have a recommended donation of £1 towards a selected Queen’s endorsed Charity.
 Pupils in Y7 – Y10 gathering on the field in their respective year groups (period 5 and period 6) for a Jubilee event. For this, the students have the opportunity to bring in picnic blankets and snacks to eat as we celebrate this event together.
On Tuesday 7th June 2022, during normal lunch time, the Canteen have arranged a few Jubilee style special treats for the pupils.
Given that this falls within our Summer examination season, we have decided that Y11 – Y13 should continue to attend in full College uniform and will continue to attend normal lessons for the whole day as this time, for them, is critically important.
We wish you a happy Half Term and hope you enjoy many Jubilee celebrations over the coming week.
Kind regards
Mrs Hamilton