Press Release - GCSE Results 2020
Pupils at Cardinal Griffin Catholic College are celebrating their GCSE exam results, with over 70% of pupils achieving at least five GCSEs, including English and Maths at grades 9 - 4.
17% of all grades were at 9 - 7 and 74% of all the grades were 9 - 4. There were five pupils who achieved grades 9 - 7 in all of their GCSE subjects. There are no BTec results to report to date.
The head teacher, Mr Burrowes, offered his congratulations to all pupils, parents and the staff.
“I am delighted for the pupils.
This year’s results are unique in that we cannot compare the results with previous years, or even with other schools, due to the circumstances surrounding the compilation of the results.
However, the results must stand for the pupils. These pupils have worked hard for these grades. They completed their studies in February and they were already engaged in the revision programme. We had two full sets of mock examinations and staff at the college had ample evidence to support the Centre Assigned Grades; the grades issued are accurate and robust.
There are fourteen grades which have been marked upwards by Ofqual.
This group of pupils will be remembered as having achieved academic success in spite of the pandemic.
We look forward to welcoming many of the pupils back into the Sixth Form. We have decided to adjust our entry requirements in order that all pupils are given the best opportunities for the future.
Pupils in Year 10 and Year 12 will have to face new challenges in the year ahead and the college will need to make the adjustments to our learning and teaching. It is important to remember that the impact of the pandemic is not a one-off year event; it will impact on the lives of young people in the years ahead.”
Pupils who have completed their GCSEs are more than welcome to contact the college to discuss Post 16 options. They can contact the college at