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Cardinal Griffin

Resupply week

The College has now purchased a base pack of educational materials for every pupil in Yrs7-11 to support them in their learning. The pack will contain a single exercise book and a small supply of writing materials. The College will also be able to pass on materials to our Yr.12-13 students via the resupply week

Teachers may also put into the pack specific materials for pupils. The intention of the exercise book is for pupils who are doing their work on paper to answer all of their home learning in the single exercise book so that work is not lost. Where pupils are able to work on computer at home they should continue to do so, ensuring that they save all the work they do at home. We will ask pupils to bring some of their home learning back into College at the end of the lockdown.

Parents start booking a 5 minute slot now to come into College reception in order to collect their child’s pack.  To book an appointment slot please use the link below:


Please ensure you use your child’s name for booking in. Any issues please contact Pupil Services on 01543 502215 Ext 601.

The appointments times will start from Thursday 25th February as this will give us the time needed to put packs together.

The pack will be placed in College reception so that we can minimise any social contact. We would please insist that parents follow strict social distancing and wear a mask at all times.

The College will put children’s packs into the Free School meals delivery each Thursday.


N.B. Pupils who currently attend college will have their packs handed to them.