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Cardinal Griffin

Retreat Opportunity

28th February - 2nd March
Soli - part of Kenelm Youth Trust (at Alton Castle) - are offering Year 12 and Year 13 a retreat opportunity: Headstrong, with a focus on developing awareness and leadership around mental health.
The retreat is being offered as a direct result of feedback from the Think Tanks in October and is aimed at developing and nurturing leadership skills.
This is ideal for those identified as having potential for leadership or already in a leadership role in within the college, such as members of our chaplaincy team, college council, head girl/boy etc.
Over the course of the retreat you will work on developing a deeper understanding of mental health and wellbeing in the context of the Catholic faith.
We also think this would be an ideal opportunity for anyone thinking about being part of a future mission team member for KYT.
This retreat is open to young people in Years 11, 12 and 13 and is available at a subsidised cost of £39.00/person with bursaries available.
Registration is simple, parents just need this link to complete the form:
If you have any questions, please come to speak to me, or Libby when she returns from the Ski trip.
Best wishes,
Mrs O'Brien