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Cardinal Griffin

Sixth Form University & FE Resources - 2nd June

Step By Step Guide for University

Year 12 students please find your step by step instructions for your UCAS registration including the Buzzword – Cardinalgriffin21, any questions or queries please contact Mrs Coton f.coton@cardinalgriffin.staffs.sch.uk

Step by Step Guide for UCAS Applications

UK University Search

This is just a quick reminder for your Year 13, 12 and 11 pupils to sign up for our incredible Virtual University Fair (Wednesday 17 June), and this month's Webinar Wednesdays.


The fair now features over 95 universities, colleges and training providers, including Cambridge, Warwick, Reading, Liverpool, Cardiff and the RAF. For more information about our Virtual Fair click here. Our new Webinar Wednesdays will cover topics such as Personal Statements, Clearing and 2020 Freshers.

Liverpool John Moores University

Our first bulletin for June 2020 contains information on our upcoming events, applying for student finance, managing your money, upcoming younger years activity week, new videos on careers in the law and virtual open days. Please see below for more details on how you can get involved.


We hope you find this bulletin useful and we wish you all the best at this unsettling and tricky time.


Best wishes


LJMU Outreach Team






Upcoming virtual outreach events

The Outreach Team have developed a range of events in the form of online chats. Throughout June we will be running a programme of chat events for students and teachers by region. There are events focussed on Northern Ireland, Greater Merseyside, Staffordshire, Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Wales, Lancashire, Cumbria, Yorkshire, the Midlands and the North East. You can find the correct event for you on our website and you should receive an email from your Account Manager about these events. For more information email outreach@ljmu.ac.uk.

Click here for the full schedule of events





Presentations for schools from the Outreach Team


We now have the facility to provide IAG presentations via online webinars should your school want us to deliver such sessions once pupils return.


If you would like one of our regular suite of sessions delivered to your students, get in touch with your account manager or with the team at outreach@ljmu.ac.uk.






Applying for Student Finance


It is really important that anyone who is thinking of starting university this autumn applies for student finance now. We know that there is lots of uncertainty at the moment but if after submitting an application, students change their mind about going to university, where they are going to live or where or what they want to study, then they can log into their application later and change or even cancel it.


The website you need to use depends on where in the UK you normally live

Students from England

Students from Northern Ireland

Students from Wales

Students from Scotland


If anyone needs help with their funding application the University is still open and we are more than happy to help prospective students before you arrive. Most universities have advice teams and you can find the contact details on the website. At LJMU you can contact the Money Advice Team on moneyadvice@ljmu.ac.uk and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.


If anyone receives help or support in school for a disability or specific learning difficulty then its really important they apply for the Disabled Students Allowance when they apply for their funding. They can also contact the disability team in their first choice university if they need any help and advice with this. At LJMU the disability team can be contacted at disability@ljmu.ac.uk.


If you are working with students who are going to be studying on a healthcare course then make sure they are aware of the new and non-repayable funding coming on line for students on these courses. This new funding is only available to student on certain healthcare courses studying in England. Further information is available here.





Managing your money


One of the best ways to begin to prepare for university is by starting to manage your own money. Like all new life skills this takes a bit of time and practice and students often make mistakes – so don’t be too hard on yourself. LJMU have invested in an online learning platform where you can start to plan out your budget thinking about new costs you will have to pay (and new income you will have). You can log on here and create an online account.  You can try short online lessons and start to take control of your money.




Upcoming younger years activity week


LJMU will be running a week of activity for younger years students commencing Monday 15th June.


This activity will include subject webinars, careers advice, LJMU student sessions and higher education quizzes. You will find information on our website when we have it, also keep an eye out for an email from your account manager.



Do you have students interested in Law? Want to know what it takes to get to the Bar?


We are pleased to be able to share with you a suite of videos from former-barrister and current LJMU Director Zia Chaudhry MBE. Zia's inspirational videos include his own personal journey coming from humble beginnings on the backstreets of Burnley to becoming a respected criminal barrister with a career spanning 26 years. We have no doubt your students will be both insprired and enticed by Zia's story. Click below for some of Zia's videos.


From Burnley to Buckingham Palace

Advantages of a Law Degree

What does a Barrister do?

Life of a Barrister

How to build your confidence





Virtual Open Days

Monday 22 – Friday 26 June 2020


We may not be able to meet you in person right now, but we can bring LJMU to you.


Our Virtual Open Days will be held online from Monday 22 to Friday 26 June 2020.


It’s the perfect opportunity to research your options and explore the fantastic opportunities available to you at LJMU.


You can:

  • access bespoke videos about your course
  • speak to staff across the University through live chats
  • learn more about student life in Liverpool
  • get to grips with student finance
  • explore our campuses, accommodation and world-class facilities


Live sessions will take place at scheduled times throughout the week. Register to receive further updates on session times and information on how to take part.


Register for Virtual Open Days here