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Cardinal Griffin

Sixth Form University & FE Resources

UCAS 2021 Applications


  • The 2021 application cycle is opening as planned – with 2021 courses available now in our search tool, and Apply and the adviser portal going live in the coming weeks.
  • Planning is underway for virtual exhibitions and a short series of face-to-face events – giving 2021 applicants the chance to speak to unis and colleges before submitting their applications to you.
  • We’re busy preparing for Confirmation and Clearing 2020 – ensuring things run broadly similar to previous years despite current events, and even introducing enhancements where possible.
  • Finally, we’re working on getting you and your students answers – developing a schedule of upcoming Facebook lives and Q&A opportunities for you both.



The 2021 application cycle is opening as planned

And gets underway today, with 2021 courses available now in our search tool.

With almost 30,000 undergraduate courses available to choose from, many students may be wondering where to begin. To help, we’ve launched our second homework pack, which includes a series of activities designed to get students thinking about uni and the things which matter to them most.

Download your pack and help your students get their research underway ahead of Apply 2021 going live on 19 May.

We’re also in the process of rolling over your centre’s details and making the final touches to your 2021 adviser portal account, ready for 12 May. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s live and confirm what you need to do next.


Birmingham University Outreach Program




Keele University - Live Chats


We're pleased to launch our programme of Live Chats in the coming days and weeks when students will be able to ask anything they like of our teams.

Whether they have questions about admissions, the course content or what it's like to study at Keele, we'll be there to answer questions. There'll also be Keele students available in the Live Chat offering their perspectives.

We've arranged each chat by academic school for the best possible experience for anybody taking part.

These are not to be missed sessions if you're studying with Keele University this year and it's simple to register below.



Liverpool John Moore's Outreach Resources


As an outreach team we have been developing virtual content over the past few weeks to support teachers and prospective students. This includes presentations on Higher Education themes, providing information advice and guidance for navigating HE from members of our team and our students.  We also have a number of virtual events scheduled in via on-line chats, designed to answer questions for those considering HE study and for teachers and advisers, starting on Monday.  


In addition to the videos on the website, I have created additional content for the schools that I work with. Below is links to these videos which can be shared. If you would like any resources that can be printed for students without computers do let me know.


UCAS & Personal Statements

Student Finance

Budgeting Top Tips

Study Skills

How to choose a university

What’s next after GCSE’s

Degree Apprenticeships

Tips for writing a UCAS Reference

Researching for EPQ


Introduction to Liverpool John Moores University



Please also find an updated information page for prospective students to LJMU

https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/~/media/files/ljmu/about-us/news/guidance-for-prospective-students.pdf?la=en. Please share with your students who have applied to the University. Each offer holder/applicant has been written to with information regarding their offer status.