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Cardinal Griffin

Social Media Assemblies


The College will be hosting Staffordshire Police on Thursday 27th February and Friday 28th February. Staffordshire Police will be delivering an assembly on the subject of Social Media and the law. The Year 9 assembly will be on Thursday 27th February with Year 7 and 8 assemblies on Friday 28th February. The content of the assembly is detailed below; we recommend that parents and carers view the assembly slides.

We are taking this opportunity to inform you of the upcoming assemblies, as your child will be 14 or under. There are age guidelines and restrictions for children under the age of 14 in relation to Social Media, yet we recognise that Social media is in widespread use across the College community so feel it is essential that all of our community have an understanding of Social Media and the law.

The Staffordshire Social media assemblies form part of our guidance and support for the College community when using mobile technologies and ICT. Mr Burrowes led the College Community before half term in assemblies that clearly outlined the Governing body policy on Social media, form Tutors led by Mrs Shakespeare have explained the College policy on the use of mobile phones within College.

  1. Pupils in Years 7-11 must not use mobile phones at any time and for any reason, during the College day. The only exceptions to this blanket ban on mobile phone usage will be if a pupil has the permission of HoH, LGr or Pupil Services. Mobile phones are to be switched off and kept in the zipped pocket of a pupil’s blazer.
  2. Sixth Form pupils may use their mobile phones during the College day but not in public areas. Photography / video recording prohibited at all times (for reasons of safeguarding).
  3. Sixth Form pupils may continue to access the Internet on tablets/laptops but only via the College’s filtered Wi-Fi network. Mobile phones cannot be used as tethering devices for Internet access.
  4. We ask Staff, Visitors and Parents not to use mobile devices in public areas (exceptions are authorised staff using College-supplied devices).


The Staffordshire Police Social media assemblies, College Social media policy and Headteacher's assembly slides are available below. Please take the time to read them and ensure your child understands them.


Mr J. Faulconbridge.


ICT - Use of Social Media Assemblies

CGCC Policy - Acceptable use of ICT and Social Media