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Cardinal Griffin

Summer Assessments - 2021

Dear Year 11 pupils, 

Following the decision made by Gavin Williamson, Education Secretary, not to run GCSE examinations in the normal way this summer, we have been working hard to put a plan together for you.  We are now in a position to share this plan and look forward to guiding you through the next few months.  The disruption you have endured to your education since March 2020 has been unprecedented. 

Firstly, we would like to share with you the evidence base we will be using for each GCSE qualification so you know exactly what pieces of work will be used to count towards your grade.  This document is now available on our website here (see attachments below) and it is really important you go through this document carefully and discuss anything you are not sure about with your teachers. 

Secondly, we would like to set out the calendar periods of time for the next few months so you know what you will be expected to do, and when.  From now until Friday 23rd April 2021, any of the evidence we collect will be done in class time and you should have already started to complete some of these in-class “mini assessments”.  From Monday 26thApril 2021 until Friday 28th May 2021, we will be having a short period of time where slightly longer assessments can be completed in a more centralised location. We are currently finalising the plan for this and will share the calendar with you in about a week's time.  Our internal moderation period here in College will end no later than Friday 18th June 2021, as this is the date we need to send the grades we would like to claim for you to the relevant exam boards.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to share these with you, as they will not be finalised until the relevant examination boards have completed their quality assurance process.  These results will be shared with you on GCSE results day which will be Thursday 12th August 2021. 

Finally, we would like to set out the revision programme we will have on offer here at the College.  We have produced a useful calendar for you which will enable you to use your time wisely to prepare for all your assessments.  In the calendar, we have put in 3 x 20-30 minute revision slots per night, starting Monday 29th March 2021 and running every day until Friday 28th May 2021.  By doing this little and often style revision, this has proven to be the best way to be successful, getting into a positive routine and then sticking with it, even on the days when you really don’t want to do it; these are the days that will bring the greatest impact.  Heads of Subject are going to be issuing you with topic lists and activities to go with them that you need to put into your calendar and then tick them off as you go.  Along with this, we will also be hosting out-of-hours revision sessions for Year 11.  Information regarding these will be shared with you by each subject. 

We all look forward to completing this process successfully with you.

Kind regards,

Mr Duffy - Assistant Headteacher
