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Cardinal Griffin

University of Birmingham - Summer School

Applications are still open for our Your Future-Your Choice Summer School for Year 10 students.  

This online event is completely free of charge to schools and students. With a programme including subject taster sessions, interactions with current university students, personal and social development activities all alongside aspirations raising messages for their future learning.  

The event will be taking place over two consecutive weekends - Sunday 27 June and Sunday 4 July 2021, 2 - 3:30pm. 

Promoting the opportunity to students 

Although we’re unable to come into school to promote this opportunity, we have put together a short talk you can play to your students explaining the programme in more detail. 

At the end of this email you will find a promotional email which can be forwarded to students to promote the programme. Simply click Forward, delete all the content down to the grey line and then send onto your students.


Supporting applications in the portal 

Once students have completed their online application, you will receive an email notification reminding you to log onto the portal and complete your part in their application. 

We have extended both students and coordinator deadlines, for students’ applications is Friday 30 April. The deadline for supporting applications on the portal is Friday 7 May.