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Cardinal Griffin

Year 6 Summer School/Freshers' Week

We are really excited to announce that a Summer School for incoming Year 6 pupils will be run during the school holidays, supported by Government Summer School funding. There will be lots of interesting activities and opportunities for our pupils to participate in, enabling them to get to know their new fellow year 7s.

The Summer School will be completely free of charge. All we need from parents and pupils at this stage is an indication of interest in either:

a) Monday 26th - Friday 30th July and Monday 2nd – Friday 6th August

b) Monday 26th – Friday 30th July

c) Monday 2nd – Friday 6th August

Responding to us will not mean that you have made a definite commitment, but it will really help us to start planning our Summer School if we know how many people would like to attend. This Summer School is specifically for Year 6 pupils who commence start at Cardinal Griffin Catholic College in September 2021. We will share information in the coming weeks of how the College has accessed the funding made available to support our current pupils.

Please send your preference to Gill Cooper at g.cooper@cardinalgriffin.staffs.sch.uk by Friday 7th May 2021.