Ofsted report
Cardinal Griffin Catholic College continues to be a good school
OfSTED - March 2023
Following a recent inspection, we are pleased and proud to announce that Cardinal Griffin Catholic College continues to be a 'good school'.
We believe the report to be a fair reflection of our College. It is extremely positive about aspects of College life, and the capacity of the College to continue to improve in the future. These include:
- The calm and orderly environment which leaders have created in which to learn
- The ambitions and expectations the leadership team have in terms of pupils’ achievement
- Praise for the breadth of our curriculum
- Identification of the effectiveness of our model of teaching and learning
- Recognition of the excellent subject knowledge of our teaching staff
- Acknowledgement of the high quality of care we provide for SEND pupils
- The effective support we provide in terms of supporting pupils to manage their behaviour
- The positive way in which we promote students’ personal development
- The strong leadership of safeguarding and College actions to keep pupils safe
- The effective way the Governing Body use their financial resources to create a positive environment in which to learn
These findings are no surprise to us and agree with our own College self-evaluations. We continue to be driven by our values, vision and ethos which determine what we do, because we believe it is right to work to maximise the spiritual development, life chances and opportunities of all in the community we serve. While this is not driven by a desire to receive approval from OfSTED, it is pleasing to have our practice endorsed by external independent auditors.
You can view our latest OfSTED report here:
OFSTED Report - Cardinal Griffin Catholic College - 2023
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