Performing Arts Y7-13
Subject Aims
Drama seeks to promote well rounded practitioners and individuals who thrive and succeed within our group based classroom. We offer qualifications which are inspiring and creative, and which reflect the evolving world of theatre. We strive to promote the transferable skills inherent within the subject including team work, communication, confidence and leadership. Drama is a rigorous and academic subject, especially at the highest level, and we will continue to promote the subjects as such. There is an inclusion of a wide range of theatre practitioners within the curriculum to ensure students have a detailed knowledge and understanding of the full subject area.
Curriculum Statement
Mrs K Duane
Curriculum Overview
KS3 – Year 7-9
Year |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
7 |
Darkwood Manor |
Pantomime |
Oliver Twist |
Our Day Out |
War Horse |
Romeo and Juliet |
8 |
Victorian England |
Physical Theatre |
Responding to Stimuli (Devising) |
Theatre in Education |
Acting for Camera |
A Midsummer Nights Dream |
9 |
Let Him Have It |
Comedy |
Non-naturalist Drama |
Scripted Performance and Design |
Noughts and Crosses |
Macbeth |
KS4 – Year 10-11
Exam Board at GCSE - Pearson
BTEC TECH Award Level 2 Year
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
10 |
Component 1 -
Component 1 teaching delivery with a focus on Learning Aim A. |
Component 1 teaching delivery with a focus on Learning Aim B.
Pearson Set Assignment released December. |
Component 1 Pearson Set Assignment T&L focus followed by coursework completion. |
Component 2 teaching delivery with a focus on Learning Aim A. |
Component 2 teaching delivery with a focus on Learning Aims A&B. |
Component 2 teaching delivery with a focus on Learning Aim B. |
11 |
Component 2 refresher – expectations of the component.
Completion of Learning Aims A & B.
Pearson Set Assignment released September. |
Component 2 Learning Aim C coursework complete.
Component 3 teaching delivery with a focus on Learning Objective 1. |
Component 3 teaching delivery with a focus on Learning Objective 1, 2 & 3.
Pearson Set Assignment released January. |
Component 3 assessments complete for Learning Objective 3 & 4. |
Useful Websites
BTEC Pearson Performing Arts Information
Monday – School Production
Wednesday – BTEC Intervention
Thursday – School Production