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Cardinal Griffin

Remote learning 


Throughout any lockdowns or unforseen closures learning will continue and we are committed to making sure your child's education continues during the length of any closure.

We will be continuing to do this via SatchelOne and Students will be expected to follow their usual timetable. 

Click here to see the latest homework timetable.

It is important to stress that pupils and teachers will communicate via school software and emails only and we will have the same expectations around behaviour as we normally do in school.

All school policies apply throughout any period of closure and the use of Satchel One must be respected at all times.

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Logging on to Office 365

Here are some basic instructions on how to access your Office 365 work tools. The apps are free to use and include:
- Emails
- Word
- Excel
- Powerpoint
- OneNote
1. Go to www.office.com
2. Click on 'Sign In'
3. Enter your college email address (this is the username you use to logon in College plus       @cardinalgriffin.staffs.sch.uk at the end)
4. Enter the password you use to access the college's computers.
5. Click 'No' when asked if you wish to 'Stay signed in'. This is more secure.
6. The main page will now load, and the list of apps will show in a line at the top of the              page.
7. Click on the app/software you would like to use. E.g. Word.
8. The app will now load and present you with options at the top of the page. E.g. 'New            Document'.
9. The app/software will then open in your web browser.


Oak National Academy

Oak National Academy is a collection of high-quality lessons and online resources. Backed by the Government, it was created in response to the coronavirus lockdown.

This online classroom offers free access to great teachers delivering video lessons, quizzes and worksheets. It covers a range of subjects and all lessons are ordered so your child can learn along a clear plan.

How it works

Each Oak National Academy lesson are an hour long, with elements such as a quiz, a video explanation from the teacher and a worksheet.

Each lesson has been created by a subject expert in a careful plan. Teachers will let pupils know how they can best use these resources. There are two options:

  • Either, teachers and pupils can use all the lessons and resources in their entirety, following along the set plan of content for each subject. Click the Schedule button when inside the online classroom to follow along like this.
  • Alternatively, teachers can choose individual bits of content or lessons that work best for them and their pupils. This can be in as many or as few subjects as needed. Teachers will let their pupils know which lessons to do, and when. Click the Subject button when inside the online classroom to access these options.

In either case, teachers will let pupils and parents know which option to select in the online classroom.

If you have more questions, please visit the Oak Academy FAQs.